Bing Places For Business


Bing Places For Business

Use the guidelines below to properly complete the majority upload Excel file and reduce errors while uploading. Assign a distinctive identifier for each location being added. This can be any true number or text message. Ensure no two locations in the same file have the same identifier. Once a store ID is assigned to a business location, it must remain the same in every future uploads for the same business location.

Enter the business name here. Utilize the name the business is controlled under or known as locally. Avoid using locations in the business name. For chain businesses, you can add up to 10,000 locations at once. Business names cannot be more than 90 individuals long. Specify the address of your business here.

Information such as suite or building quantity, building name, road name, etc. should be provided here in standard business mail format. Address line 1 can’t be longer than 38 characters. Name of the city where the business is located. Name of the state or subdivision where in fact the business is located. Follow these country specific guidelines.

United States: Use the standard two-character postal codes for states. For instance, use WA for Washington. UK: County titles should be added here. This is an optional field. Canada: Province brands should be added here. Use this field for the zip or postal code for your business. In the majority upload Excel file make sure to set the data format as text message to avoid dropping leading zeroes.

  1. Motivates the Employees
  2. Fee schedule
  3. 43% are the oldest in their families
  4. 9 years ago from Queensland Australia
  5. Photos & videos
  6. Training development specialist
  7. Financial Services: $45,595 – $65,570
  8. Access to global market

Add the united states code for the united states where the business is situated. Utilize the nationwide country rules from the next table. Enter up to 10 categories that best describe your business. At least one category is required. You must choose categories from the Bing Places for Business category list. These are outlined on the sheet called “Bing Categories” in the Bing Places for Business mass upload template. Use either the category name or its ID as detailed on the “Bing Categories” sheet. When adding several category, split categories using a ‘||’ sign.

For example use “Italian Restaurants || French Restaurants”. Of the categories added under the “Category” column, choose one that represents your primary business and add it under the “Primary category” column. Enter the latitude and longitude of individual locations. Determine the latitude and longitude of your business location utilizing a GPS device. Use the latitude and longitude of the guts of your store’s area. Specify at least 6 decimal digits.

URL of your corporate and business or business website. Leave this unfilled if you do not have a business website. You can include the business hours in the following format. Per day You can up to two time slot machines. Separate each entry with a comma. Utilize the following ideals for : Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat.

If your business is open 24×7, specify “Y” then. You are able to identify “N” or leave this blank Otherwise. When “Y” is specified, all other operation hours are ignored. Add up to 100 URLs of photos of your business. URLs must use a graphic extension (.bmp, .jpeg or .jpg). Separate the URLs using a comma. Here aer some tips when choosing which photos add for your business.