Notes THROUGH THE Fatosphere


Notes THROUGH THE Fatosphere

Extrapolating to Absurdity-Reporting on New Study Takes Things FAR OUT. Last night I had been generating around in my car, minding my very own business, whenever a whole story emerged onto my local NPR train station that caught my attention. Kevin Hall PhD was on the environment talking about his new study comparing how the body responds to low fat vs.

“He’s got people skills most doctors don’t begin with, that customer relationships mentality from his years in business,” said Dr. Steven Brooks, seat of emergency medicine at Akron General. His background as a small business owner also showed an impressive work ethic, Brooks said. Allamby said he laughed when people warned him about the long hours residents devote. “When you possess a small business, week is similar to a holiday an 80-hour,” he said. His bedside manner and his work ethic distinguish him certainly. But there’s another thing that could really benefit patients particularly in cities: his race. “Being truly a doctor of color, you have a special reference to patients when you look like them.

There is a certain degree of trust between you and the individual. This one who looks like me understands what I’m going through,” said Dr. Stephanie Gains, an emergency department physician at University Hospitals who mentored Allamby during one of is own medical rotations in medical college. Allamby understands the importance.

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= $ =p=# =‘Thank God there’s here,’” Allamby said. “We are in need of more black doctors absolutely, he said, noting mistrust which has a long history, including the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis, where black patients were victimized. “I think you remove a great deal of those obstacles when there’s a person there who looks like you,” he said.

Research shows that dark patients fare better with black doctors. A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research last year discovered that dark men, who have the lowest life expectancy of any American demographic, were more likely to share details with dark doctors and to heed their advice. Having a black doctor was far better in convincing them to obtain a flu shot than a financial reward. But there aren’t dark doctors enough. Based on the Association of American Medical Colleges, less than 6% of medical school graduates nationally identify as black while 13 percent of the populace is. “Some students of color, data just shows they aren’t inspired to get into technology and mathematics and medicine.

We kind of write them off before we find out what their desires are,” said Kimalon Dixon of the Cleveland Foundation, who as program officer orchestrated a give for the Partnership for Urban Health to help change that. “Programs like this want to undo the damage done by structural racism,” she said.

Dr. Sonja Harris-Haywood, who operates the Partnership for Urban Health, said there are 90 relationship students in the educational school now, another 40 in residency programs, like Allamby. Twenty-two percent are minorities, higher than the general medical college average. To date, 125 students from the partnership have enrolled at NEOMED. The hope is that they will stay local. “We’re trying to produce doctors to serve our community just,” she said.