How To Deface Websites Using Php And SQL Scripting?


How To Deface Websites Using Php And SQL Scripting?

Now Our Todays Discussion is on ” How to Deface Websites using the SQL injection and PHP shell code Scripting”.. Note: I and This Blog is Not responsible for any Misuse of the Tutorials. So Don’t Misuse Them! FIRST OF ALL YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT’S DEFACEMENT? Defacing a website simply means that people replace the index.html file of a niche site by our file. Now all the Users that open it’ll see our Page(i.e being published by us). Of all we must find out our focus on website First. A whole lot has been collected by me of dorks i.e the vulnerability points of the websites. Some Google Searches can be utilized to find out vulnerable Websites awesomely.. Is example of some inquiries Below.. Here are some More Queries (use them without quotation marks)..

Let’s add a few more shapes for the atmosphere. Create two large ovals, using the Ellipse Tool (L), and make sure they are overlap one another, as shown in the screenshot below. Select both forms and use the Minus Front function of Pathfinder to cut the shapes, so that we have only the crescent form still left.

  • Include: A Great, Professional Blog
  • 21st Mortgage Corp
  • The content you’ll use to reach them
  • Audio Production -> if you can
  • Drag the Webroot SecureAnywhere icon in to the Applications folder

Set the Opacity of the shape to 50% and make the colour a little lighter, if needed, to make the form semi-transparent and airy. Add a second crescent on top, changing its color slightly. Underneath part of our history remains empty, so let’s fill it with new elements, making a solid forest and the ground. Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to produce a band of circles, differing their sizes and making them overlap.

Unite all the circles in the Pathfinder and fill the merged shape with a vertical linear gradient from lilac at the bottom to blue at the very top. Now we’ll shape the tree trunk. Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to produce a 75 x 1180 px narrow vertical form for the trunk.

Fill the form with dark-violet color to make a comparison above the light history. Take the Direct Selection Tool (A) and choose the top left anchor point. Press Enter to open up the Move options home window and set the Horizontal value to 20 px, Vertical value to 0 px. Click OK, thus moving the idea 20 px to the right.

Repeat the same for the right anchor point, moving it in the contrary direction. Let’s then add simple branches to your tree also. Make a curved line and set the Stroke color to the same dark-violet tint as we’ve for the trunk (use the Eyedropper Tool (I) and hold Shift to choose the color). Head to the Stroke panel and arranged the Weight value to 20 pt and Cap and Corner to middle positions, making the tips of the branches curved.

Duplicate our tree trunk and change the positioning of the branches to help make the structure versatile. Let’s then add dimension to your trees. Create another mixed band of circles, filling up them with violet color (a little lighter than the trunks). Send the form Backward, beneath the trunks. Create more copies of the tree trunks and make them lighter. Place the copies beneath the darkest trunks, creating an aerial effect and adding depth to our forest.

Add crimson bushes in the bottom of the trunks, developing them from the circles in the same way as we do with the tree crowns. Now let’s add a ground to form underneath part of our structure. Utilize the Rectangle Tool (M) to make a form of 800 px width (the same width as we have for our Artboard).

Otherwise, you can just duplicate the backdrop rectangle, move it on top and reduce it, reducing its height. Fill it with the same lilac color as the trunk tree trunks, to make the shapes merge with each other visually. Now take the Curvature Tool (Shift-‘) and let’s bend the top edge of the ground a little by dragging its left half down. Make a simple wave by tugging the opposite half of the top edge up. Add another layer of the bottom, filling up it with the same tint of violet as we have for the center tree trunks, making the styles merge. Bend the form, using the Curvature Tool (Shift-‘).

Finish up with the bottom by adding the darkest layer at the top, bending it, and using the Ellipse Tool (L) to speckle small ovals over the ground, making it a bit more textured. That we have all the objects positioned and arranged Now, let’s see how we can conceal the parts that are crossing the edges of the Artboard.